Don't Panic, It's Organic
This is one of the finer eco-conscious pieces I've scene on Current - it is certainly TV worthy and you'll not waste your time watching this 15-minute short. This reminds me of a point my sister Molly made last week at Thanksgiving. She works in publishing and has been on the lookout for books about food production. I think I agree with her assertion that by putting the energy crisis in the context of food, the ideas of diversification, localism and sustainability will hit home with a wider swath of the American population. I hope that she finds a book that will expose factory farming in the way that Upton Sinclair’s "The Jungle" did with the meat packing industry at the turn of the century. While the video posted below does not "sound the alarm," it does make some great points. My main problem with it is that none of the people in it are good spokespeople for the masses, which ultimately means that this well put together documentary short will struggle to do more than preach to the choir.
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